Monday, May 11, 2009

Star Trek: "Jar Jar Binks"ed

As a kid, I loved Star Trek. I grew up with Star Trek TNG, and then Star Trek Voyager. I will not forget the hopeful and optimistic outlook that it had, and everything that it stood for. I was pumped about the recent Star Trek premiere. I read nothing but positive reviews, and I was sure that this would be the movie that would reinvigorate the entire Star Trek series. I left the theater entertained, but disappointed.

The new movie was high on effects, graphics, and action but light on what made Star Trek great: substance. Sure, you throw in some red matter, and interstellar battle---but that's not what Star Trek is about. I don't mean to sound like a purist here, but Star Trek is supposed to be more than flashing phasers, and awesome space ships. It is supposed to convey a message. The latest Trek didn't make sense, and was lacking in terms of a message or a story that could resonate with audiences.

I think this is a larger symptom of a growing problem. Star Trek was JarJar Binksed. When George Lucas tried to recast Star Wars through his prequels, he introduced Jar-Jar Binks, a terrible, superificial character who couldn't speak English designed to appeal to the five and under crowd. Star Wars lost its credibility the moment that Jar Jar walked onto the screen, and I fear that Trek faces a similar danger. Thoughts?

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